Estes Park, 1996

I was in God’s country, soaking in all her beauty

And I did not belong. Call it a season of madness

As I crossed your boundaries, set up camp

Drank with others who did not appreciate your power.

There was something about you

That was majestic, peaks rising,

Commandeering all within your banks.

Stars fat above me, swallowing shadows

Like the land spread within your ridges.

The spirits of old ancestors tugged at me

Speaking a language of elks and deer.

I heard only storm, rain rattling down

As I cowered in a strange place.

I would have loved you then

If I had opened my eyes.

I had yearned to escape the city,

Its hard ground that opens only for the dead,

holds on tight to the dying.

There everything was on delay,

Squirrels caught in a time loop

Birds seemingly posing mid-air.

I was the sole thing on a clock,

Chain smoking Camels

Stuttering as minutes passed by,

Refusing to dance with your trees

On land willing to give a little.

Now I realize I was in heaven

The woods a laughing god

But I was unready to accept its gift.